![]() I'm noticing how easy it is to talk "at" you through this forum. I don't intend to. It comes across judgmental and Know-it-all-esque. I'm under no illusion I know everything or have all the answers. I am barely awake, sipping coffee and I wanna bang out a few thoughts. Next thing I know, the tone of the words appear as thought I'm talking AT you. I'm trying to avoid that, but fall right into it anyway. Why is it like that? It's just so easy to bang away on the keyboard and suddenly there's an accusatory vibe because of the use of the word "you". What I mean most often is "the world" or "they", "those people", "that guy" or "me". But "you" is universal and implies an audience...an audience I hope to have with this gig. The hope is I give you a peek into my mind and it's interesting enough you stick around to read more. Really what I'm doing is talking to myself, my adorable doggie and my Walking Dead bobble heads sitting next to the computer. They cheer me on. My lil furry baby staring at me with adoration. Daryl & Negan bobbing those heads up and down seemingly screaming YES YES YES, if you feel this way, others may too, my sista! PAA-REACH! I like to see things from all sides. When I do, I get lost in it. Take side A and run. Then side B and run. Finally side C and run. Now I have a 3 dimensional view of every angle and I can really make sense of something. It's like method acting where they throw themselves in the character. Whatever side I'm playing out in my mind, I take it all on. I go all in. I want to understand why someone else may see if differently, so I've enabled the comments feature on this blog. I welcome your thoughts, interjections, takes and spins. Let's flip it, smack it, rub it down then tuck it away and move on. I love a good recap, rehash, debriefing and most of all I love it when someone opens my mind a little more. Or maybe they give me good reason to feel the way I do. Either way, let's talk it out! So when and IF you're reading my blog, please know I mean to be inclusive, respectful and thought provoking. I'm untangling the thoughts in my head and getting them on the screen so I can see them in black and white, hopefully to make sense of them. Some times I start out with no idea where I'm going with a topic and it unfolds as I type. It's cheap therapy! If you're with me, I hope you stay. I hope you comment. I hope you chuckle now and again. I'm just thrilled there's almost 11 of you reading this everyday! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for checking out my blog and coming back. I'm going to be more diligent in watching the tone. If there's ever anything you'd like to discuss, let me know. I love a good pow wow. Grab your coffee and let's break it down! ;)
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AuthorI'm scared of meth & heroine users. They are the real zombie apocalypse. Archives
July 2019
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