Ever wonder if we are setting ourselves up for a pendulum swing? Like, we're tip toeing around everyone's feelings, gotten too "PC", giving out participation trophies and coddling everyone's self esteem so much these days that maybe we're just building up to swing hard the other way. In a few years, we'll be so up to our eardrums in niceties and catering to everyone's fragile self worth, there will be an evolution in society where we all become Don Rickles', Lisa Lampenelli's and Jeff Ross'? We'll just go around saying unnecessarily harsh comments. Internet trolls will climb out from behind keyboards and walk the streets telling e'rbody what's wrong with them, with no provocation. We'll be at little league games screaming at kids what pieces of poop they are if they miss that fly ball. It will be one huge "live" roast. Everyone's fair game and no one's feelings matter. Sometimes, I wonder.
Ever notice you can be drawn to a person by certain characteristics, then later those very same traits start to repel you?! Initially, you may think wow...they are worldy, educated, spontaneous, free spirited, up for anything and you want to be a part of all that. After a while worldy becomes pretentious. Educated becomes a know-it-all. Spontaneous becomes unreliable. Free spirited becomes unfaithful or disloyal. Up for anything becomes irresponsible. Not all the time, but sometimes. It's the weirdest dichotomy and I think we've all experienced this phenomenon at some point in our lifetimes. Am I right?
![]() I will not preach, force my opinion on you, berate you if you feel differently, nor will I behave as if my thoughts are superior. Each one of us will vote based on our belief system. We will vote on our paradigms which have become the frame for which we view life. Paradigms are built from our very first memory, our individual experiences, our upbringing, our environment. Each one of us will vote with integrity BASED on our life filters. The pretentious assumption that you're less than smart if you don't vote for who I think you should vote for is a ridiculous waste of time. Those of you getting your political insights from the media, taking rumors for facts, spinning headlines, taking snippets and clips here and there to reinforce why your beliefs are superior to another's.....it's hard to take you seriously. Just a bunch of Patrick the starfishes.
No one needs to hear your thoughts, unless you are specifically asked by someone who wants to have a genuine and respectful convo with you. Does that even happen anymore? We can dream. Guess what? It doesn't matter who you're voting for, what you believe, I respect you. I know you are simply following your instincts as I follow mine. If I learn we are opposing parties, it won't matter. I love you regardless. I won't post on social media broad declarations of how stupid you are if you don't feel the same way as I do. I certainly won't argue with you. Neither of us will change our belief systems. What completely and unequivocally matters is I vote. My voice will be heard then, because that's when it counts. The rest is pointless fodder. ![]() I just heard you groan reading that title. Collection calls are a part of my job. Here's what some people don't seem to understand. When I call you, it's our chance to work in partnership to create a contingency plan for your payments. It is truly a courtesy call to help you get ahead of a potential problem. You will be treated with respect and we will have a collaborative convo. Avoid my calls or refuse to return my calls and the red flag goes up. When you avoid me, you give me no choice but to speculate on your intent and that speculation will not lean in your favor. The problem you're avoiding will only blow up in your face later by adding on additional fees, interest, suspensions, annual charges and in some cases jail time. Parts of your life will be tied up in tangled web of red tape. Proactively address problems, don't pretend they aren't happening. Proactive trumps reactive. Every. Single. Time.
1) Take my call or RETURN my call promptly. 2) Be willing to have an honest conversation with me about your finances. 3) Do not make promises you can't keep, it will only exacerbate the situation. 4) Be sure you live up to your promises/commitments once we've come to an agreement. Do these things and you will find I'm your biggest ally. I will use every resource I have available to come up with a payment contingency plan that works for you and the business. We all run into financial hardships and when I call you it's not to rub it in, heckle you or treat you with disrespect. I'm no monkey on your back, I'm a life line. I'm calling with the hope we can talk through options to bring relief and prevent you from spiraling too far behind. We'll both be better for working together. So when you see my business calling you, do us all a favor and grab that life line I'm throwing you.
![]() I have my Concealed Weapons Permit and a firearm. I am a good shot. These are not things I post on social media or throw into conversations. This is my security and as with any type of security, discretion is key. You don't go giving out your alarm code do you? For some reason, when people find out you have a carry permit and gun, they want to see it and they want to show you theirs. Even virtual strangers! I had some work being done at the house and I'm leaving for the gun range. I place my locked case in the car as I tell the lead guy I'll be back before they're finished. He sees the Glock logo and immediately reaches for his gun. He wants to show me his new purchase, yadda yadda yadda. He wonders if I want to hold it since it's a new model. Nope. I do not want to hold it. He asks to see mine. Nope, buddy, not opening this case for you. He seems confused I don't want to show & tell, but backs off.
Here's my rationale. I don't know you. You don't know me. I don't want your fingerprints on my firearm and I am not putting my fingerprints on yours. This is MY weapon and it's not subject to your curiosity or approval. I am responsible for this gun. I am also responsible for every bullet that leaves the chamber and where ever that bullet travels, whatever that bullet hits. For me, it deserves the utmost respect, diligent care and sense of responsibility. I know everything about this gun and I ALWAYS know where it's at, how many rounds are loaded and whether or not one is currently in the chamber. As far as I'm concerned, I am the only one who will ever touch this weapon. It's part of me. I wouldn't let a stranger feel me up so why would I let them fondle my gun? I'm not posting my target practice on social media either. I don't need people to see it or comment. I'm a great shot, but it's no one's business outside of my family. Because for me, part of protecting yourself is having an edge over your assailant. An element of surprise. I learned early in life the element of surprise works hugely in your favor when you need to protect yourself. That life lesson has served me well on a few occasions and I will keep with it. DISCRETION. |
AuthorI'm scared of meth & heroine users. They are the real zombie apocalypse. Archives
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