Or prison yard tattoos. But why would you use barbed wire to fence in your horses?! Ask any vet or the SPCA how many injuries a year happen because a horse gets his hocks or knees caught on them and you wouldn't do it. If the horse panics, they literally rip themselves to shreds. The injuries are horrific. Treating the injuries are not only time consuming, painful & gut wrenching, there is no guarantee the horse will recover. I hope if someone takes on the responsibility of boarding and owning, they are also considering expenses. You know, being mindful they have the money to get a real effin fence, properly built stalls and will be diligent in the care of these beautiful animals. Just 'cause you have the money for the horse itself, doesn't mean you can afford to care for it. I wish people would be responsible owners like they have a lick of sense. And compassion.
The way I feel about barbed wire fences is much like Joan Crawford feels about wire hangers.
Don't think I don't get it. I do. You have a FABULOUS outfit or FANTASTIC shoes you are DYING to wear. You can NOT wait to strut your swag because you KNOW you will look good and FEEL good. We all know that feeling, right? When you look good, you feel good.
People forget to consider when the outfit or shoes are not appropriate for the situation, you end up looking foolish and quite possibly making yourself miserable. We've all seen it. The miniskirt and camisole top in 50 degree weather and the girl is trembling, goose bumps on every bit of visible skin and chattering teeth. Or the 5" heels with a revealing skin tight dress at a ball game. Unless you're performing at half time, I don't get why you'd dress like you're going to the club. Teetering around the stadium, tugging at your dress as it rides up, checking for wardrobe malfunctions, getting blisters just walking from the parking lot to the entrance (never mind you still have a long walk to the refreshment stand, the bathroom and your seat!). And don't say "but these shoes are actually comfortable!". Comfortable walking around your house is not necessarily comfortable on rough terrain, long hauls and 6 hours. You would be equally sexy in a cute tank top, shorts and sneakers if you wear it with confidence. Possibly even better because you're not only adorable, but you're SMART! ROCKING that puffer jacket in 50 degree weather like you got sense is SEXY! SPORTING those denim cut offs, tank top in 97 degree blazing heat like you got a clue is SEXY! STRUTTING over 40 acres outdoors in sneakers like you know better is SEXY! BEING SMART IS SEXY! Am I the only one who finds it odd when a Sales Representative tells you they "don't know how to make friends" because they are awkward at starting conversation?! C'mon with that! You're in sales. You should have the instinct to know how to start a simple convo and find a commonality that allows you to build a connection. THAT'S IN YOUR JOB DESCRIPTION.
Am I the only one who then also suspects they aren't a very good at their job?! ...don't say anything. People are under the illusion their opinion matters in all contexts and the simple truth is it does not. YOUR OPINION IS NOT APPLICABLE OR WELCOME IN ALL SITUATIONS. In fact, silence is golden. Button that lip, zip that mouth, bite that tongue, live and let live. Rule of thumb...unless you are specifically asked your opinion, it's not pertinent to the convo. The world needs more kindness and less opinions. Just sayin.
It's been a crazy sequence of events. Where I live, there's a lot of livestock and horses. I've been noticing a pasture in particular that is not maintained (unsafe conditions, lack of water source, no food source, possibly malnourished cows). I've been reporting this pasture for months, it seems. Each time, my complaint is bounced back and I'm told to try another organization. I get back from vacation and not only do I see the cows looking thinner than ever, I notice a heifer laying down. I don't see the rest of the herd. Day 2, heifer in same spot, same position. Still don't see the remaining herd. Day 3, heifer in same spot, same position, no other cows. Something's not right. I pull over. Right then, the heifer's eyes roll back and her head collapses. I jump the fence. She perks up. She is unbelievably sweet. It's more than obvious she's injured her hind end. Broken leg? Broken hip? Some open surface wounds. I am aghast at how emaciated she appears and she's sitting in quite a lot of her own poop. I run home, get a few things and return. I'm jumping fences and clearly trespassing. I hope someone sees me so I can find out how to help. I mean, I'm noticeable with my rubber boots, buckets, tools and water jugs as I'm jumping the barbed wire fence and running around wide open land. She drinks a gallon of water in less than 2 seconds and eats a pound of cow pellets. I run home again for more water, more pellets. Another gallon and she clearly wants more water. 15 gallons later, another pound of cow pellets and the remaining herd appear from seemingly no where. The bull drinks 2 gallons immediately. The signs of neglect are apparent & heart breaking. I clean the poop off the injured cow. She deserves some dignity. This girl is amazingly sweet and seems more than happy to let me clean her face and hind end (best I could). I name her Mary. She's special. She didn't deserve this. None of them do. Mary and the other cows will be a part of my life and routine for next few days. During this time, I catch the attention of 4 neighbors and was able to collect some information. Now, I'm more determined than ever. I finally get the Sheriff Dpt & Agriculture Dpts to stop ping ponging me back and forth. Day 6, a Deputy of Agriculture meets me at the location. He confirms my suspicions. In addition, this property owner had 3 prior investigations for inhumane treatment and in 2015, he was required to turn over his donkeys and pigs. I hate this guy. The Deputy stated the injured cow will be humanely euthanized, as the injury is beyond repair. The next day, the pasture looks dramatically better. Mary is gone. The cows all have fresh hay, the unsafe area has been pinned off, the litter and trash has been cleared. I notice huge barrels of hay lining the fence. While I'm sorry Mary sat over 6 days in the FL heat before she was given dignity, I am thankful she's at peace and the remaining cattle are finally getting the care they deserve. IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO TOLD ME TO STAY OUT OF IT, MIND MY OWN BUSINESS AND/OR FEARED RETALITION from the property owner, SUCK IT! Yes, my neighbor could retaliate and yes, this was time consuming. But, to think I shouldn't or wouldn't do something and say something is absurd. I'm always going to trust my gut and heart. Nothing you say can turn off my moral compass. NOTHING. Besides, the Deputy removed his sunglasses and shook my hand several times. I think it's pretty obvious I'm now a fellow Deputy of Agriculture. I mean, right? How ELSE would you interpret sunglass removal and a handshake?! Pretty freakin obvious. OK, Gotta run. Going to scoop me up some aviator style, mirror lensed sunglasses for my new job. ;) UPDATE: I can't tell you how happy my heart is when I pass this pasture and see it being tended to finally and the cattle are being taken care of. Thank you Deputy Chancey! <3
AuthorI'm scared of meth & heroine users. They are the real zombie apocalypse. Archives
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